Saffron Burrows退出《识骨寻踪》衍生剧

THE FINDER:  Saffron Burrows as Ike LaTulippe in THE FINDER, the new procedural drama starring Geoff Stults (“She’s Out of My League”) as an Iraq war vet with an extraordinary ability to help people find the unfindable will premiere midseason on FOX.©2011 Fox Broadcasting Co.  Cr:  Glenn Watson/FOX

猛女Saffron Burrows即将退出刚刚发展成正式剧集的《追踪者》(The Finder),目前Fox准备着手改写她原本出演的角色。

《追踪者》是Fox热播罪案剧《识骨寻踪》(Bones)的衍生剧,根据Richard Greener的小说《定位者》(The Locator)改编,主人公名叫Walter Sherman,是一个能找到任何东西的前宪兵。Burrows在剧中出演Sherman的好友,也是一家酒吧的老板娘,而且还会驾驶直升机。


Burrows最近刚刚主演了《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》(Law & Order: Criminal Intent),还曾出演过《波士顿法律》(Boston Legal)和短命剧《我以我为敌》(My Own Worst Enemy)。
